Thursday, October 13, 2011

Support NCTAF: The Easiest Way to Vote

We are excited to announce that NCTAF’s STEM Learning Studios project has been selected as a finalist in the Partnering for Excellence: Innovations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education competition, in partnership with Carnegie Corporation of New York and The Opportunity Equation. We were selected from among 265 applicants from around the country!

To vote for the Learning Studios Project click here!
Then select the picture located in the bottom row, second from the left. That will bring you to the voting page, where you will be prompted to supply your email address. This ensures that no one votes more than once.

After you vote, please FORWARD this announcement to your networks and ask them to vote for NCTAF STEM Learning Studios!

Thanks very much,
Tom Carroll & the NCTAF Team

About STEM Learning Studios:
NCTAF STEM Learning Studios are cross-curricular, interdisciplinary teams of 4-6 teachers who collaboratively develop and implement hands-on projects. These teams of teachers in high-needs schools work with STEM professional volunteers from the community, who become part-time, long-term participants in schools. Built on 3 proven strategies (project-based learning; collaborative teaching; and well-structured participation by STEM professionals), Learning Studios emphasize the interconnectedness of STEM subjects and utilize practicing scientists and real-world resources. Past projects have included a quest to quantify school energy use and building fuel cells with a NASA engineer. An independent evaluation has documented how Learning Studios improve student achievement and teaching effectiveness. 

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