Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This Year's Homework: New Roles and New Opportunities!

Take a look at NCTAF's newest policy brief that aims to answer the question: If we didn’t have the schools we have now, what would we create?

Simply fixing the schools we have won’t work! Teamwork and collaborative learning and problem-solving are the keys to success in 21st century organizations - most of us invent and reinvent our work, join forces to solve problems, use innovative technologies, share information, and acquire new skills.

We need to create schools that look and function like the places where today’s youth will live and work. Students deserve the opportunity to experience and learn from adults working in new roles and taking on new opportunities.

In a recent NCTAF survey of 400 teachers across the country, 70% of teachers said they could see themselves playing a role in a collaborative learning team. Education leadership, policymakers, and teachers are eager to tap into the power of teamwork.

A new “Twenty‐First Century Schools Act” should replace the No Child Left Behind Act with the purpose of supporting national, state, and local leaders who are deploying learning teams to build a 21 st century education system.

Read more by following this link:
and post your comments and questions here on the site!

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